

We specialise in providing security services to protect your business. We offer scoping, consultation and training in different areas. Where you need more help, we can undertaken security assessments and consultation to help you fast track where you want to be.

How can we help you?

Here are our core services. If you need anything specific, contact us.

Penetration Testing

We can offer penetration testing to simulate real-life attacks, to test your website, applications and networks. Tests can be used to help meet your compliance requirements.

Data Compliance

We can offer bespoke training and advisory services depending on your data compliance needs. Compliance can include PCI DSS, CIS and NIST.

Security Healthcheck

We can undertake assessment and provide you a benchmark against information security standards to see your 'as is' security posture.

Advisory Consultation

We can help by advise to improve aspects of security, whether it is data flows, security in your network/architecture designs, processes etc.


We understand your business, objectives and offer virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and/or Data Protection Officer (DPO) service.


We can offer training bespoke to your needs. We have developed our internal P.R.O.T.E.C.T protocol framework to help any business improve their security.

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