
Attend This Virtual Event For FREE And Discover The Data Discovery Protocol That's Getting Businesses Securer, Faster and Easier..!

The Protect Protocol 90 mins

Everything You Need To Get Started
To Protect Your Data And Your Business Fast

At this event Live & Virtual You'll Learn How To:

Who Is This For?

It's for you if...

Why is it FREE?

For completely transparency, The PROTECT Protocol is FREE to attend because once you know how to manage your security better, you may still want to attend one of our training or trusted advisor services to help you polish up, undertake a security healthcheck or trusted advisor services, to fasttrack your security journey!
And if so we would be very happy to help you further.
But you do not need to buy any of our courses or services. In fact, we encourage you to attend this presentation, make copious notes and implement what we show you and you will start improving your security right away.

About Your Presenter:

Michael Hopewell has been in the security space for over 25 years.

He has had the opportunity to work in software security, then travelled the world to support organisations of all sizes, from small, medium businesses to the largest retailers in the world.  

Working as an assessor in the PCI space (formerly a PCI-DSS, PA-QSA, P2PE, SLF, SLC) assessor for over 13 years, external auditor for NIST, CIS 18, and more, he has experience in not only getting organisations securer, but also compliant, quicker, faster, and cheaper.


Here's a small sample of just some well known organisations that Michael has worked with to get more secure or compliant.

Data Security and Data Compliance Customers


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